Predicting Market Turning Points Is Possible With WD Gann Theory!
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And if it is possible then Can you learn & predict stock market or not?)
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What is W.D. Gann Theory? And How To Apply It?
A very small part of the whole concept of WD Gann Theory is demonstrated in below Video
Just sharing an example of what is explained in the video about. It is just a very small concept which is not even covered in a my Gann Course that is based on WD Gann Theory. Purpose of sharing is just to drag your attention on “TIME” or “X Axis”.

I am explaining Nifty predictions in below article. By going through it you shall realise whether it is really possible to predict Stock Market or Not. It is not easy and it is not impossible as well!
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Some testimonials..
Some more successful predictions based out of William Delbert Gann Theory and Gann Time Cycle.