The Ultimate Guide To Proven Trading Strategies For Success
There is a distinction between trading psychology and trading strategies. Having a right trading strategy is very essential then to chase for a right trading psychology. The reason is market do not respect what is your style and psychology. Market has its own nature which humans’ can not match. Amongst more than 1000 trading strategies you need to have a right strategy that enables you to remain in alignment with the nature of the stock market.
What Does Trading Strategy Mean?
Trading Strategy is a very specific process made to answer 3 very important questions that every trader has in their mind.
1) What is the ongoing trend of current stock market?
2) Till what time this ongoing trend can last?
3a) How to analyse that how long an ongoing trend of the stock market can last?
3b) If we can analyse that ongoing trend can last long then how to enter & exit in that trend?
4a) If ongoing trend has a little time left then how to plan a trade for an upcoming new trend?
4b) To plan a trade in an upcoming new trend, how to find right entry point and exit point?
To answer Above mentioned points, 95% of traders & investors learn and apply Fundamental and Technical Analysis. Both mentioned studies covers only Price element which is plotted on “Y”Axis of the chart. “X” Axis is always ignored which is well covered by W.D. Gann Theory.
Let us first Understand which are those Technical Analysis tools and their actual application results.